Broder Enbärs fest
I dag den 29 januari firar kyrkan den helige broder Enbär, skyddspatron för Syster Enbär. Dagen är därmed en stor högtidsdag för förlaget.
”Helt och fullt efter Franciskus anda var […] broder Enbär – Juniper eller Ginepro – om vilken Frans skämtsamt sa: ’Give Gud vi hade en hel skog av sådana enbärsbuskar'”, berättar Johannes Jørgensen i sin klassiska biografiska roman om den helige Franciskus. Den lille Enbär är en ganska perifer figur i den franciskanska historieskrivningen, och dyker bara upp här och var. I de allra tidigaste källorna finns han inte med (däremot nämns där ”Johannes den enfaldige”, en annan av de första bröderna som hade mycket gemensamt med broder Enbär), men i legendsamlingen Fioretti dyker han upp med sin charmfulla klantighet. Den del av Fioretti som utgör en minibiografi över honom finns dock tyvärr inte med i de svenska översättningarna, men finns att läsa i engelsk översättning här. Där kan vi bland annat läsa om:
Brother Juniper was so full of pity and compassion for the poor, that when he saw anyone poor or naked he immediately took off his tunic, or the hood of his clock, and gave it to him. The guardian therefore laid an obedience upon him not to give away his tunic or any part of his habit. A few days afterwards, a poor half-naked man asked an alms of Brother Juniper for the love of God, who answered him with great compassion: “I have nothing which I could give thee but my tunic, and my superior has laid me under obedience not to give it, nor any part of my habit, to anyone. But if thou take it off my back I will not resist thee.” He did not speak to a deaf man; for the beggar forthwith stripped him of his tunic, and went off with it. When Brother Juniper returned home, and was asked what had become of his tunic, he replied: “A good man took it off my back, and went away with it.” And as the virtue of compassion increased in him, he was not contented with giving his tunic, but would give books, or clocks, or whatever he could lay his hands on, to the poor. For this reason the brethren took care to leave nothing in the common rooms of the convent, because Brother Juniper gave away everything for the love of God and to the glory of his name.
I Roberto Rossellinis film Guillare di Dio (Franciskus, Guds gycklare, 1950) har han en framträdande roll, spelad av franciskanbrodern Severino Pisacane.