Syster Enbärs adventskalender: Lucka 6

Jag läser inte så mycket teologi, i strängt akademisk mening, men i lucka 6 vill jag tipsa om den samtida franciskanska teologen Ilia Delio, som skrivit flera värdefulla böcker om bland annat skapelseteologi. I hennes bok om Bonaventura skriver hon om hur Guds treeniga natur på ett fullständigt genomgripande sätt präglar Guds skapelse och oss människor:

[Bonaventure] did not view the Trinity as an intellectual datum but a doctrine with radical consequences for Christian life. […]

Can a person live in total isolation from others for an indefinite period of time, and grow in love? Probably not. Unless there is an ”other” in that person’s life, love cannot grow apart from relationship. Similarly, God cannot be a single monad, a self-sufficient singular One. If this were true, God would not be love. […]

Just as communication of love to another within the Trinity marks divine perfection, so too, in creation, everything that exists is structured to be in a relationship of love. The community of triune love is the very basis of created life.

Ilia Delio, O.S.F.: Simply Bonaventure: an introduction to His Life, Thought and Writing. New City Press 2001.